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When do Silverfish become a problem?

When do Silverfish become a problem?

Seeing one or two Silverfish around your home may not seem like a problem, but how do you know when it is a problem? In large enough numbers Silverfish can wreak havoc on your home. While they may be harmless to humans directly, they aren’t very kind to your precious photo album or your food.

The tricky thing with Silverfish is that they are small and hard to spot, so 2 could suddenly become hundreds. To help you out here is a guide to spotting a Silverfish infestation.

What do Silverfish look like?

Silverfish get their name from their resemblance to small fish. Their body is covered in shimmery silver metallic scales and is shaped rather similarly to a small fish. While they do not have wings, they are able to run fast, and move in a wriggly, fish-like motion.

As well as this, silverfish have two large antennae on their head and three long bristles at the end of their body. Between these are three pairs of legs. Adult Silverfish tend to be a quarter inch to half an inch long.

What draws Silverfish to a home?

The greatest draw for a Silverfish is moisture. They thrive in a moist or humid environment. This is why you will generally find them in kitchens, bathrooms, laundries, and (if you have one) basements. Leaky pipes or water damaged walls may draw them in.

An easily accessible food source is also a major draw card. Silverfish love food that contains carbohydrates, and fortunately for them, most household staples are filled with these. They will eat up your paper, photos, wallpaper, clothing, cotton and linen fabrics, and any high carb foods. Sugar, flour, bread, rolled oats, and cereals are very popular with Silverfish.

What are the signs that Silverfish have become a problem?

It can be difficult to spot a Silverfish infestation. This is because Silverfish are nocturnal insects, hunting during the night. So, while you may spot one or two during the day, you need to look out for other signs to truly uncover a Silverfish problem.

Keep an eye out for their destructive trail. You may find feeding marks, such as irregular holes, notches, or surface etchings. These may be found on paper, photos, clothing, wallpaper, or packaging or high carb foods. Yellow stains, scales, or faeces may also be present around these food sources, indicating Silverfish.

How to stop an infestation

A Silverfish infestation can be difficult to stop when it starts. DIY home methods may catch a few Silverfish but may not actually eliminate the problem. As well as this, a Silverfish infestation may be signs of greater issues, like leaking pipes or water damage. So, DIY methods may not find the cause of the infestation.

A pest control technician will utilise the latest techniques to safely and effectively eliminate a Silverfish infestation. They will inspect your home and help in determining the source of the infestation. This way, if it is a burst pipe or water damage you will know and can have it repaired.


Silverfish may look harmless, but they can be destructive little pests. They will target paper, photographs, cotton, linen, clothing, and other important valuables. So, it is best to keep an eye out for an infestation if you spot them in your house. Seeing one or two Silverfish may be a sign of a bigger problem.

If you have a Silverfish infestation it is best to get a professional pest control expert involved as soon as possible. Reach out to us and we can help you out.

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