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Think you may have a flea infestation? Here is how you spot them

Think you may have a flea infestation? Here is how you spot them

If you have pets, you know that they love to roll around and shove their face in anything, which can make them susceptible to fleas. We all love to get close to our pets and give them a cuddle after a long day, but fleas can really put a hamper on this. Fleas can cause a lot of havoc. They bite, pass on disease, and provide an uncomfortable time for you and your pet.

If you are noticing something that seems strange with your pet, they are scratching more and are not quite themselves, maybe it is a good time to check for fleas. Here is how you can spot a flea infestation so you can get rid of it.

Lots of scratching

Scratching is the most common indicator of fleas. While our cats and dogs tend to scratch themselves, it’s excessive scratching you need to watch out for. Bites from fleas are irritating, so your pet will likely scratch or bite the area more so than other spots.

The fleas themselves will hide in areas your pet can’t easily reach. So, keep an eye on the back of the head and neck, as these will be where they are living. If your pet has thick and long hair the fleas will have an even easier time hiding.

Just keep an eye out for excessive, extended scratching at one spot. This could be fleas.

Hair loss

Hair loss can be a sign of fleas. Alopecia happens due to excessive scratching, biting, and a bad reaction to the flea bites. If you begin to notice sudden, patchy hair loss in your pets accompanied by excessive scratching, there maybe fleas. It is best to have a vet look in this case, as your pet may be reacting badly to the particular type of fleas.

Red skin and welts

It is less likely for you to see the fleas themselves, as they jump around so much. But, the welts, and red skin are obvious signs. If you notice little bumps on yours or your pet's skin, you may want to check for fleas.

For your dogs and cats, fleas can cause an allergic reaction when they bite. This is from the saliva in the flea’s bite. The reaction will appear as a red, irritated rash, and painful-looking welts. If you notice these signs on your pet’s skin, it is a good idea to carefully check their fur. Wearing gloves, check their armpit and groin areas, then move out over the rest of their fur, seeing if you can spot any other signs of fleas.

Ankle bites

If you have a flea infestation your pet won’t be the only one getting bitten. You could also be a meal for the fleas too. If you walk around barefoot at home a lot, it is likely that your ankles and knees will be targeted by fleas. Look at your knees and ankles, and if you notice any bites, it is likely to be fleas.

The bites don’t swell up but will be itchy. A flea bite only has one puncture hole, which is how you can tell the difference between it and other bites, like those from spiders, who have two puncture holes.

Do the white sock test

The white sock test is a great way to spot some pesky fleas that are hiding in your carpets. There is a high chance that they will get your pets into your carpets if the infestation has gone on for long enough.

To test this, chuck on some white cotton socks, higher socks are better as they will stop you from getting bitten. Walk around carpeted areas for 10 minutes. Shuffle your feet a bit to stir up hiding fleas. Fleas that are present will likely attempt to jump on for a ride. Afterward, carefully take the socks off and check for signs of fleas.

If you do find fleas in your carpets, you should reach out immediately to a pest control technician. Fleas can be challenging to eliminate, and an experienced pest control technician will have the best methods to do so.

Pale gums

When fleas bite, they feed on the blood of their victim. So, your pets who have fleas are at risk of anaemia. This is caused by a reduction in the number of red blood cells in your pet’s bloodstream. The best way to check for this is by checking their gums. If you notice their gums are paler than usual, and they have been more tired than usual, you could have a serious flea infestation. The best thing to do is take your pet to the vet as soon as possible.

Flea dirt

Flea dirt is generally flea faeces. These have a reddish hue to them due to the digested blood. If you see red-brown or black specks of dirt or dust around your pets it is a good idea to inspect it. While it may just be dirt or dust, it is still best to inspect it. Collect some onto a white paper towel then spray it with water. If you see red or brown hues, then it could be flea dirt.

Flea eggs in your carpets

Fleas love to lay their eggs in your carpet as it acts as a safe place for them. However, eggs in your carpet are also a sign of a serious flea infestation.

Put on gloves and run your fingers through the carpets. You may need to use a magnifying glass as the eggs are very small. Pick through your carpets and look for small white spots, these could be eggs.

Pets acting restless

Scratching is not the only change you will notice with your pet if they have fleas. Often, they may also have a sudden demeanour change. A calm and friendly dog may suddenly become snappy and fidgety. This is because they are dealing with a problem that they can’t fix themselves and cannot verbalise the issue they are having. If you notice this kind of demeanour change, the appearance of discomfort, or other strange behaviour, check them for fleas.


Fleas can be troublesome for pet owners. We want to make sure our pets are happy and comfortable. So, keeping your home flea-free is important. Follow the above tips on how to spot a flea infestation to tackle it before it becomes a major infestation. If you find fleas, reach out to Pest Gone Pest Control, we will be able to ensure your flea infestation is eliminated so you and your furry friends can be comfortable.

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