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Protect Your Pets from Fleas and Ticks!

Protect Your Pets from Fleas and Ticks!

We go to great lengths to protect our pets, but pests and insects aren’t something that we often associate with our beloved furry friends. With three in five Australian households owning pets, the presence of fleas, ticks and other parasites in the home are more common than you might expect. Particularly prevalent in the warmer months of Spring and Summer, these critters can pose serious health risks to your precious fur-babies, so take a minute and read our top tips to help you protect your pets from fleas and ticks.

How to identify if your pet has a flea or tick

Fleas – Hard to detect by eye, fleas can be identified by the bites, welts or red marks that they leave on your pets, along with symptoms including excessive scratching or chewing. Adult fleas are roughly the diameter of a pencil lead, with small, flat bodies that range in colour from reddish-brown to black. Majority of the fleas will live in the environment around your pet as opposed to on them, so detecting the fleas themselves is much more difficult than looking for the symptoms that they cause.

Ticks – Ticks attach to a host and release a toxin causing paralysis and if untreated can have fatal consequences for pets. Predominantly found outdoors, ticks thrive in moist, humid environments including long grass, wood and stone. They are small to begin with but grow as they fill with blood, making them easier to identify, causing symptoms in animals that include vomiting, gagging and wobbly legs. It is paramount that if your pet is experiencing any of these symptoms that you remove the tick and seek urgent medical assistance.

Symptoms that can occur when your pet has a flea or tick

  •  Itching
  • Restlessness
  • Redness in one area
  • Swelling
  • “Lumpy” skin
  • Vomiting
  • Difficulty breathing

If your pets start displaying any of these behaviours, you should seek professional help immediately.

The best way to protect your pet against fleas and ticks

There are DIY methods out there that claim to work, but when it comes to the health and safety of your animals, you want to know that the job has been done both properly and effectively. Using superior, environmentally friendly products, Pest Gone Pest Control can treat your home to protect your pets against ticks and fleas. The sprays and rinses that we use create a barrier that reduces the likelihood of infestation in your yard or inside your property, creating a happy and healthy home for your pets.  

Pest Gone Pest Control recommends annual treatment of your home to successfully keep your pets protected from fleas and ticks. The ideal time to perform the treatment is in Winter or early Spring when pests are less prevalent, as opposed to waiting until Summer when infestation is more likely. It is not uncommon to see pest treatment as a condition of finalising a lease on a rental property, highlighting the importance of this often-overlooked service!

Additionally, it is always a good idea to discuss collars and medication that help prevent fleas and ticks with your vet or local pet store.

Contact Pest Gone Pest Control today for fast, safe and high-quality pest treatment on 1300 13 7378 or request a quote online

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